Laser clinic in Burnaby owned & operated by a Dermatologist from South Korea
院长 刘珉硕 (韩国名字: 유민석)
- 韩国皮肤科专科医师 South Korean board-certified dermatologist
- 拥有28年皮肤科专科医师经验 28 years’ laser dermatologist experience
- 加拿大非医师人员 Not registered/licensed with College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC
- 韩国延世医科大学毕业 Doctor of Medicine, Yonsei University, South Korea
- 韩国延世医科大学附设医院皮肤科住院医师 Dermatology residency, Yonsei University Hospital, South Korea
- 医科交换生, 美国汤姆斯杰弗逊大学医院 Residency exchange program, Thomas Jefferson Univ., PA, U.S.A.
- 研究员, 美国迈阿密大学医学美容中心 Fellowship, Anti-aging dermatologist, Dept. of Dermatology, Univ. of Miami, FL, U.S.A.
- 院长 韩国LeeJiHaam医学美容诊所 Former owner dermatologist, LJH Dermatology Clinic, South Korea
- 院长 多伦多 Seoul Laser Clinic 医学美容诊所 Former owner, Seoul Skin Clinic, Toronto, Canada
- 客座医师, 深圳博爱医院激光美容科 Former visiting dermatologist, Laser center, Shenzhen Humanitarian Hospital, China
- 韩国航空公司国际医学中心临床教授 Former clinical professor, dermatologist, Korean Air Lines Inha International Medical Center, South Korea


在 BC省找医生
在 BC省您可以在官方网站上查看到任何专业领域的医生,来确认他/她是否是加拿大皮肤科专科医师、家庭医生或自然疗法医生。

Min Yoo's Appearance on South Korean TV (KBS, SBS)
经营策略 (Business Strategy)
1. 顶级激光器设备
– 我们使用来自Cynosure、Conbio、Palomar和Syneron Candela等世界顶级制造商的激光设备。他们已经证明了结果和安全记录
2. 来自韩国的皮肤科医生
– 所有咨询和激光治疗均由来自韩国的皮肤科医生 Min Yoo 进行
– Min Yoo 拥有27年临床经验, 他也是诊所的企业主
*Dermatologist from South Korea with 20 years’ clinical experience
All consultations and laser treatments are performed by a dermatologist from South Korea who is Min Yoo and owns and operates our clinic.
3. 合理实惠的价格
为了提供有竞争力的价格, 我们尽力节省租金、人工成本和激光设备租赁费用,以使我们的客户受益
*Good Prices
We pass the savings from low rent, no labor cost and no lasers lease payment on to our clients.
4. 高透明度
*High Business Transparency and Fairness
We have transparent Clinic Policy posted on our website. We have flat-rate pricing and no hidden fees. We accept debit/credit card/online payments. We do not accept cash payments.
5. 严格遵守法律和规范
*Strictly Legal Management
We strictly abide by all the applicable laws and regulations of British Columbia to ensure public safety and business legality. We do not sacrifice safety and legality for our business income.
为什么我们的定价极低 (Why our pricing is extremely low)
- 我们没有工作人员。节省的人员费用用于降低我们的价格。
- 我们使用一个舒适的小空间。节省的办公室租金成本被用来降低我们的价格。
- 我们以 100% 现金购买了所有 4 台高端激光设备。节省的设备租赁付款用于降低我们的价格。
*Why our pricing is low?
We have no staff. Saved personnel expenses was put to reduce our prices.
We use a small cozy space. Saved office rent costs was put to reduce our prices.
We purchased all the 4 high-end laser equipments by 100% cash. Saved equipment lease payment was put to reduce our prices.