
诊所政策 Clinic Policy



*By contacting us by phone/texting etc., making an appointment with us or getting a laser treatment at our clinic, you agree to the terms & conditions of our Clinic Policy. We would like to ask you to respect our Clinic Policy for us to respect you as our clients.



First-time Visit 

If this is your first-time visit or first-time appointment, you MUST book “INITIAL VISIT LASER (starting at $139)”. If this is your first-time visit or first-time appointment and you book an appointment other than “Initial Visit Laser”, your appointment will be cancelled regardless of your getting a confirmation email. 

At your first-time visit if you do not get a laser treatment, you must pay a consultation fee of $109. At your first-time visit if you do not get a laser treatment AND you do not want a consultation, the appointment must be canceled with a late cancellation fee of $69 per appointment. If your visit is for a service which is not listed on our service list such as itchy skin etc., the appointment is canceled with a late cancellation fee of $69 per appointment.

At your first visit please arrive 10 minutes earlier than your appointment time for filling up a Registration form. We would like to ask you to find an instruction on the reception desk to fill it up prior to your appointment time or your laser time duration needs to be adjusted for the next client on time. We have appointments every 20 minutes.


如何预约 (How to make an appointment)

(1) 登陆 KoreanLaser.ca 网上预约 

– 最便捷、最迅速、零失误预定方式

(2) 短信预约 778-870-SKIN (7546)


(1) BOOK ONLINE at KoreanLaser.ca      

    – most convenient, fastest and error-free way of booking


(2) Texting legal full names, cell phone number and email address to 778-870-SKIN (7546) to request a booking


预定后客户确认 Booking (Online/Texting)





即使您的预约已被确认,诊所可能会将预约时间向后/向前调整 20 分钟。


LEGAL full names, email address and cell phone numbers are required for booking. 

Each client should use her/his own email address, cell phone and name to avoid errors on booking. 

Cell phone number is required for text reminder purposes. 

Booking/rescheduling/cancellation process cannot be completed without a confirmation email. If you don’t get a confirmation email after booking/rescheduling/cancellation, that means your booking/rescheduling/cancellation process has not been completed. 

It is your responsibility to notify us immediately only by text message to 778-870-SKIN(7546) to avoid possible late rescheduling/cancellation/no-show fee(s) if you recognize any appointment error(s) in confirmation/reminder/rescheduling/cancellation emails/text messages.


如何改期/取消预约 (How to reschedule/cancel an appointment)

如果您想改期或取消预约,请发短信至778-870-SKIN (7546),改期/取消预约只能通过短信来处理。


If you would like to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please send a TEXT MESSAGE ONLY to 778-870-SKIN(7546). Requests for rescheduling/cancellation CANNOT be processed through ways (emails, voice mails etc.) OTHER THAN text messages. Such cases will become no-shows. 

Booking/rescheduling/cancellation process cannot be completed without confirmation email(s). If you don’t get a confirmation email after booking/rescheduling/cancellation request, that means your booking/rescheduling/cancellation process has not been completed. In such cases you have to text to 778-870-SKIN (7546) immediately to avoid a no-show fee. 


改期/取消/未出席费用  (Late Rescheduling/Cancellation/No-show Fees)


If you reschedule or cancel your appointment less than 48 hours before appointment “FOR ANY REASON“, you are subject to a late rescheduling/cancellation fee of $69 per appointment “WITHOUT EXEPTION“. If you don’t show up for any type of appointments “FOR ANY REASON“, you are subject to a no-show fee of $139 per appointment “WITHOUT EXEPTION“. Our prices are based on no late rescheduling/cancellation/no-shows. We need your understanding that this policy is to keep our prices low and competitive. 

If you book another appointment online for yourself to reschedule/cancel your current appointment and you do not give a 48 hour notice for rescheduling/cancelling your current one by texting, you are subject to the above late rescheduling/cancellation fee per appointment.


预约系统滥用 (Booking system abuse)



More than one appointment for one client within 3 business days or name change/modification when booking will be regarded as appointment system abuse and all the appointments will be cancelled with a penalty of $139 per appointment.

If you book ANOTHER appointment online yourself to reschedule/cancel your CURRENT appointment, you must do so after you text us for cancellation and get a confirmation email saying “Your current appointment has been cancelled”. Or it will be regarded as appointment system abuse and all the appointments will be cancelled with a penalty of $139 per appointment.


迟到 (Late Arrival)


We have appointments scheduled every 20 minutes. If you are late for your appointment by more than 10 minutes, your appointment will be rescheduled automatically for another available time on the same day or another available date and you are subject to the above late rescheduling/cancellation fee of $69 to minimize putting next clients behind schedule.


下雪或结冰的道路 (Snow or icy roads)

如果您预约当天的天气预报是恶劣的天气和路况,请在预约前 48 小时取消或重新安排您的预约,以避免因任何原因而延迟重新安排/取消每次预约 69元的费用。

When the weather forecast is for snow or icy roads on your appointment day, please cancel or reschedule your appointment 48 hours prior to the appointment to avoid a late rescheduling/cancellation fee of $69 per appointment for any reason.


电话 (Phone calls)


We cannot take phone calls and we would like to ask you to text instead of calling.


短信(Text Questions/Requests)

您可以发短信至 778-870-SKIN (7546) 询问/请求(预约)。我们尝试在 5-7 个工作日内回复您的短信,但根据现场客户数量或短信量,可能无法回复任何短信。我们诊所不是医疗机构,我们只提供美容治疗。

You can text to 778-870-SKIN (7546) for questions/requests (appointment). ANY texts may NOT be answered because we have no staff to keep our prices low. 


套餐/礼券购买 (Package/Gift certificate)

套餐/礼券销售是最终的,无论出于何种原因均不可退款。套餐/礼券可转让给您的朋友或家人。套餐在 365 天后到期,100 美元的礼券在购买日期后 90 天后到期。未来涨价不会影响您现在购买的套餐价格。您购买 10 节课并免费获得第 11 节课。

Packages/Gift Certificates sale is final and non-refundable for any reason. Packages/Gift Certificates are transferable to your friends. Packages expire in 365 days and $100 Gift Certificates expire in 90 days after the purchase date. Upcoming price increase will not affect the package price you are now buying. You buy 10 sessions and get 11th session free.


价格政策 (Price Policy)

自 2016 年 开业以来,我们的价格每年都会逐渐上涨(10-20元)。感谢您的理解,我们需要提高价格,直到达到公平的市场价格,这是我们的商业策略之一.

Our prices have increased by $10-20 twice a year since the opening in 2016. Thank you for your understanding we need to raise our prices until they reach the market price and this is one of our business strategies. 


现场安全系统(视频和音频)(On-site Security Systems (Video & Audio))

我们的诊所安装了视频和音频监控。这些设备 24/7 全天候运行,并将存储 60 个月以保护我们的业务和客户。

Our clinic is under video & audio surveillance for CONTINOUS 24/7 recording & 60 MONTHS STORAGE to protect our business & clients. 


效果和副作用 (Results & Side effects)

We must fulfill our duty of disclosure regarding the side effects. 


这些服务请求将被拒绝 (Service(s) will be refused)


– 客户似乎对治疗结果抱有不切实际的期望。

– 客户要求具有较高副作用风险的强力治疗。

– 客户要求我们不提供的服务。

– 客户请求非法服务。







We reserve the right to refuse service(s) including booking at our sole discretion without notice in any of the following circumstances:

– Clients seem to have unrealistic expectations for treatment results.

– Clients request strong treatment(s) which have higher risk of side effect(s).

– Clients request service(s) which we don’t provide with.

– Clients do not agree on any of the terms/conditions of our Clinic Policy.

– Clients request illegal service(s).


LASER machines must be approved by CSA

It is not allowed by law to use, import or advertise LASER machine which is not approved by Canadian Standard Association (CSA) to protect the safety of customers. 


诽谤(诋毁/中伤) (Blackmail/Extortion, Defamation(Libel/Slander) and False Accusation etc.)



We take strong legal actions against Blackmail/Extortion, Defamation(Libel/Slander) and False Accusation etc. for our business to survive.