- 正规的韩国皮肤科专科医师(所有者)会执行所有激光手术。
- 韩国皮肤科专科医师的真实韩国名字 (유민석) 会向公众开放,以防止假的韩国皮肤科专科医师迷惑公众。
- 一流的高端激光镭射机器
- 适合大众的价格
- 固定价格透明明确定价(所有价格均在网站上列出)
- 接受分期付款
- 没有促销价和隐藏的价格
- 不只追求营业收入,严格确保价格执行的合法性和透明性
- 明确的诊所政策会发布在网站上
- 业主/员工/朋友/机构等不得在网上发布私下交易信息
- 以客户安全的保障为我们的首选
- 在支付/开始所有激光治疗之前严格执行激光副反应通知义务
- 没有进行不必要的激光治疗
- 没有高压销售策略(没有激光推荐,除非被问到)
- 不接受现金支付作为我们逃税的措施
- 免费客户停车
- 客户轻松便捷的在线预订
Factors affecting LASER results and side effects
Only professional who completed 4-year dermatology residency to imagine skin biopsy findings (Clinicohistopathological correlation) inside skin following each laser shot is dermatologist. One same laser device may show many totally different results and side effects depending on the persons using the same laser device.
Price increase effective July 3rd, 2023
Our prices have increased by $10-20 twice a year since opening in 2016. Thank you for your understanding we need to raise our prices until they reach the market price and this is one of our business strategies.
NO RESIDUE of makeup/sunscreen/moisturizer
Clients are asked to COMPLETELY REMOVE makeup/sunscreen/moisturizer/lotion/essence/serum etc. right before each laser session.